What would you do?
My twenty-third blog for #BlogchatterA2Z
LETTER W: What would you do?
What would you do?
There are some questions a reader gets asked every day!
Today I will tell you my answers, but you have to tell me yours!
- Would you read fiction or a non-fiction book? – I am a fictional geek who lives inside a fiction bubble and has read a few non-fiction books, but my heart is for fiction.
- Which book would you choose if you could only read one book for a lifetime – I think I would read It Ends With for its inspirational value.
- Would you read indoors or outdoor – I am an introvert who loves her bed and would always choose indoors over outdoor!
- Would you read about mountains or beaches – I am from Goa, so beach always!
- Which book would you like to gift someone – Tuesdays With Morrie! Even I got it as a gift, and it changed my life. And I would love to pass on that motivation to others.
- Would you give up reading books or reading romance fiction? Whoever had asked me this question knows me too well! But in a worst-case situation, I would give up romance fiction, as I can’t live without books!
Now it’s your turn to answer these six questions!
I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z
Would you read fiction or a non-fiction book? – Fiction, always
Which book would you choose if you could only read one book for a lifetime – Gone With the Wind
Would you read indoors or outdoor – Indoor in winters, outdoor in summers
Would you read about mountains or beaches – Doesn’t really matter, I love both equally
Which book would you like to gift someone – Harry Potter series
Would you give up reading books or reading romance fiction? give up reading Romance because that’s the smaller sacrifice out of the two
Great questionnaire. I enjoyed reading your responses and then answering your questions
Its good to meet a fellow fiction geek and I loved it how you said that you live inside a fiction bubble. I do too!
This was a refreshing post.