BlogchatterA2Z Letter E

Euphoria moment of every reader

My fifth blog for #BlogchatterA2Z

LETTER E: Euphoria moment of every reader

Euphoria moment of every reader

What exactly makes us feel this excitement when we read books?

What does a reader feel when isolated from the whole world but still having a connection to the characters! The mixture of emotions felt is uncanny and thrilling.

For me, reading is like going through old photographs where you are engrossed in remembering where, when, and you find yourself euphoric and teary at the same time.

Reading is not a random hobby for me, either just a profession! It’s an identity for me. My reading choices and views are my feelings and opinions that I choose to shout out loud in public. My reading choice is my personality which is gradually getting better with new reading choices.

The days I feel lost when the clock keeps ticking, the sun rises and sets, the strangers pass by, some familiar faces now unfamiliar also pass by, and between this hustle of Monday to Saturday night, there is this one day, one moment I feel overwhelmed.

No, not in the middle of the day, but right after I am awake and exhausted mentally!

But then I hold my morning cup of tea and try to remember the last page I read and skim through a few pages, only to realize the climax scene is about to start soon! I am not exhausted after reading that last sentence.

It feels real but only in dreams because you imagine and live in the wonderland of the plotline, the whole storyline finally starts making sense, the conflict between your assumptions and the writer’s story is finally on the verge of unraveling, you feel the pulse growing, and you have a scared but exciting moment, and that’s the exact moment when you feel the purest form of emotion – THE EUPHORIA MOMENT

I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z

2 thoughts on “BlogchatterA2Z Letter E”

  1. My favorite lines, “For me, reading is like going through old photographs where you are engrossed in remembering where, when, and you find yourself euphoric and teary at the same time.” Nicely written post

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