Holding the bookshelf close to my heart
My eighth blog for #BlogchatterA2Z
LETTER H: Holding the bookshelf close to my heart
Holding the bookshelf close to my heart
Everyone has a meaning to the things close to them. Sometimes even things that don’t matter to you mean a lot to someone.
Many times I have been asked to choose my favorite spot. I have been to my native place Goa, multiple times, even Singapore, but what will always remain my favorite spot is the bookshelf in my living room.
Bookshelf. My personal, physical diary.
Yes, the bookshelf, my own personal – place, space, mine!
One where I can choose the page I want to read, select a book that helps me remember how I exactly felt five years back!
It’s a reminder of my growth and my expectations from life.
It reflects the thought process I went through, the things I liked, the things I don’t like!
The bookshelf portrays my life with the titles it’s decorated.
On days I felt low, the bookshelf recommends rom-com books, which lifts my mood. The days I strongly lack motivation, the non-fiction books smirk at me, knowing what happens next!
There are days when I don’t feel anything! I keep watching the wood of the shelf, how that wood means everything to me. It always blows my mind how does a non-living thing comfort me?
On days when I don’t pick a book, the bookshelf still makes me happy. The simple joy of arranging a bookshelf is unexplainable!
Some days I color code, section them author or series-based!
Bookshelf is the beginning of my dream, my mini library, my aim to read more and make others read too!
What’s your favorite corner of the house?
I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z
I wish to own a book store some day. It’s been a long cherished dream. I completely understand your sentiment.
Oh, I know exactly how you feel. My favorite spot is my study cum library room too.