BlogchatterA2Z Letter L

Kindle Love

My twelfth blog for #BlogchatterA2Z

LETTER L: Love in Books

Love in Books

If you know my reading choices, you sure know it screams romance fiction!

Love mentioned in books is what I look forward to always!

There have been pages and pages I read only to get charmed by the words. Bollywood romance is way too overrated, and romance books are too underrated!

I started reading books as a teenager that included Preeti Shenoy, Sudeep Nagarkar, and Ravinder Singh. They gave me a hopeful teenage crusher vibe. The romance wasn’t just the factor that intrigued me reading it more, but the concept of how empowering it can be.

You would say reality and fiction are different. Well, Yes! But the tiny part of gratifying books, caring for your partner, and always looking forward to spending time with them isn’t unrealistic.

The romance books I read show me how a person can grow as an individual. Relationships have ups-downs but understanding and growing through that process is what romance is for me!

Also, the way authors portray the characters traveling and living life is another reason I adore reading romance books! Traveling and the chemistry between the characters is my favorite part of reading books!


I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z

2 thoughts on “BlogchatterA2Z Letter L”

  1. Romance is my favourite genre too! have u read any of the indie romance authors like Andaleeb Wajid and Shilpa Suraj?

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