BlogchatterA2Z Letter P

Poems and Poets I am awed of as a literature student!

My sixteenth blog for #BlogchatterA2Z

LETTER P: Poems and Poets I am awed of as a literature student!

Poems and Poets I am awed of as a literature student!

In 2020, when I first started my career as a literature student, I was mesmerized by the kind of literature we get to learn.

Here is the list of poems that made me understand the beauty of poems –

  1.  Tulips and Mirror by Sylvia Plath
  2. Hunger by Jayant Mahapatra 
  3. Ode to Bombay and Father Returning by Dilip CHitre 
  4. Democracy and Dreams Deferred by Langston Hughes

These poems explained to me the intensity of problems faced in the country. Literature helps us understand the background and the struggles faced by any country/region/person. 

Each poet has a unique style that broadens our thinking and illuminates us with their new ideologies. 

Plath has always been an inspiration.

Plath makes me wonder about life. 

Plath makes me re-think my decisions. 

Plath makes me question the existence of everything. 

Hunger by Jayant Mahapatra gave me a reality check, tears, and disgruntlement. He not only discussed the truth but also tried to explain the real meaning of hunger. 

Dilip Chitre portrayed the powerful emotions of a lonely father and his struggles in his poem father returning home.


Langston Hughes voices out the struggle behind achieving their dreams and standing on their own.

These are the few authors who represent cultural values and respective works of literature in the best possible way!

Who’s your favorite poet?

I’m participating in #BlogchatterA2Z

2 thoughts on “BlogchatterA2Z Letter P”

  1. I loved the third and the fourth poems from your selection. I don’t have a favourite poet. I came to poetry very late but there is one poem from school that has stayed with me: Trains by Humayun Kabir. Its last line is like a sucker punch.

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