BlogchatterA2Z - Underrated lessons
Underrated lesson I learned from books
No matter what you are judged by the cover –
Either you are judged or you are understood. Either you make your appearance and attitude bold and mind-blowing or you make sure your personality is liked by all. You need to maintain your sanity. Your essence is your personality, and your personality makes people join and talk to you. So make sure you make a good impression.
The more you read the more you learn –
Books are a warehouse of knowledge, a place safely kept for your betterment, a place that makes sure your knowledge is up to date. The more you read the more you learn and grow.
There is something for everyone –
Books are like all in one. For fiction lovers it’s an escape from reality, for nonfiction it’s a mode of learning, for some it’s a catharsis process while for other it’s a mode of entertainment.
This post is a part of #BlogchatterA2Z 2023