
Short stories are my way out of the reading slump! My nineteenth blog for #BlogchatterA2Z LETTER S:  Short stories are my way out of the reading slump! Short stories are my way out of the reading slump! Reading short stories is my favorite when I travel, need to catch up on my Goodreads goals, or …

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REAL ASS POETRY My eighteenth blog for #BlogchatterA2Z LETTER R:  Real Ass Poetry Book Review R.A.P by Nisha Simone Poetry. Motivation. Inspiring words.What do you think about poems? Do you feel words thrown at you? Or do you find comfort in it? R.A.P – Real Ass Poetry I picked this book for its catchy title. …

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Quotes ( To all the quotes I ramble at 2 am) My seventeenth blog for #BlogchatterA2Z LETTER Q:  Quotes ( To all the quotes I ramble at 2 am) Quotes (To all the quotes I have loved before) But rambling my book thoughts are my next favorite part! Here are the quotes I ramble after …

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Poems and Poets I am awed of as a literature student! My sixteenth blog for #BlogchatterA2Z LETTER P: Poems and Poets I am awed of as a literature student! Poems and Poets I am awed of as a literature student! In 2020, when I first started my career as a literature student, I was mesmerized …

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Okay? Not Okay. My fifteenth blog for #BlogchatterA2Z LETTER O: Okay? Not Okay. Okay? Not Okay. Reader. Reviewer. Freelancer. I spent more than two years on bookstagram and realized a few things are acceptable and a few that are not. As a reader, one should understand that every person thinks and analyzes each book differently. …

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Rising 30 Women Who changed india Book:Rising 30 Women Who changed india Author: Kiran Manral Rating  4/5 Book Reviewed By – Sameeksha Manerkar I sit by a beautiful reading nook on one of my trips and observe the hottest summer ever experienced. I compare my past and present summer. I watch a woman hold …

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Nine books I would love to re-read again for the first time! My fourteenth blog for #BlogchatterA2Z LETTER N: Nine books I would love to re-read again for the first time! We have books whose plot can’t get out of our heads. We loved it so much the first time we read it that we …

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Managing my reading time My thirteenth blog for #BlogchatterA2Z LETTER M: Managing my reading time You should at least read 10-50 pages a day. Have you heard this before? I bet you have! A reader who used to read a book a day is now struggling to read a page a day. Sounds similar? As …

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Kindle Love My twelfth blog for #BlogchatterA2Z LETTER L: Love in Books Love in Books If you know my reading choices, you sure know it screams romance fiction! Love mentioned in books is what I look forward to always! There have been pages and pages I read only to get charmed by the words. Bollywood …

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Princess & Prejudice Book:Princess & Prejudice Author: Alisha Kay Rating  5/5 Book Reviewed By – Sameeksha Manerkar The book stars the brother of Nivy Sharma and the sister of Veerendra Singh, the most intriguing characters, which were a shocking revelation from the last book. This book begins with the thrilling wedding preparations of Veer-Nivy. …

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